Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Welcome to Fill Your Soul with Stephanie Elizabeth

Welcome new friends from far off lands. I want to welcome you to Fill your Soul with Stephanie Elizabeth with a poem I saw while traveling in Ireland, not so long ago. The words rushed over me like a wave of water, reminding me to always follow my dreams, no matter the circumstances or position I am in this life. This life is meant for living and so I shall continue to prosper each and everyday by following my true heart's desire! I hope you all enjoy & welcome to Filled your Soul!!!

Photo Credit: Google Images

Follow your Dream
If there is something your heart longs for....
If you have always wanted to learn ....
If you have always wanted to see ....
If you have always wanted to be ....
If you have a dream - No matter how big or small
and even though that dream may seem to be beyond your reach
if you have it your all - You never know what you might achieve
If you have a dream ............. follow it!!! 

Photo Credit: Google Images

I look forward to sharing much more positive, encouraging, enlightening, motivational, and spiritual advice, quotes and stories with you in the days and weeks ahead. Have a wonderful evening!! Much love, my friends! <3
